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See Why Users Love Oomple
Oomple is More Than a Platform It's a
Thriving Community
Scale Your Business with Oomple! Effortlessly connect with top consultants, optimize resource management, and streamline your workflows—all powered by smart tools and real-time insights to drive growth.
Real-Time Insights
Tap into a network of 80K+ consultants, leverage smart tools and real-time insights.
Sales Team
Connects sales with market data, prospect insights, and collaboration tools to align seamlessly with resource & sourcing teams.
Your Work
Automate tasks, boost productivity, and focus on what matters most.
Management Tools
Oomple ensures seamless planning, tracking, and allocation with AI-driven insights
Combines resource management, active networks, AI tools, customizable workflows, and seamless integrations.
Smart Matching
Stay updated and ahead with data sync, match alerts, and curated consultant pools.
Empowering You
Oomple cuts acquisition costs, maximizes past efforts, and boosts redeployment success. With AI-powered tools, we streamline your processes, improve efficiency, and drive profitability—so you can focus on what truly matters: the human connection piece.
Simple Set Up
Our platform allows you to have complete control over your profile. Showcase your skillset, rates and make updates anytime.
Quick Access
Explore companies, find great contracts, and apply. Our AI matching tech will also find you the best suited opportunities.
Streamline Success
Easily view and manage your applications. Get hired and start working on-site or remotely. Stay engaged with your team.
Sneak Peak into Oomple
This is just the tip of the iceberg—or as we like to call it, the ‘ooh, that’s cool’ phase. Wait until you see it live! Oomple's got solutions for every department, a ridiculously easy interface, groundbreaking resource management, and AI tools that actually make life easier. Say goodbye to those 1,000 tiny daily tasks and hello to getting stuff done. And trust us, it only gets better from here.
Ready to tap into the Ultimate Platform for consulting & staffing firms?
Tap into a powerful consultant network, cutting-edge AI tools, and streamlined solutions—all in one place, designed to help your consulting firm or staffing agency thrive. Times are changing—upgrade or enhance your tech stack today!