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Sophie DesmaraisDec 16, 20191 min read

Meet Sophie Desmarais – Oomple’s New Marketing Specialist

Meet Sophie!

We’re so happy to welcome Sophie Desmarais, Marketing Specialist, to the Oomple family! We sat down with Sophie to gain insight on her journey here and to ask her some fun questions. Check out her answers and get to know more about her below!

Sophie’s Marketing career began at a tech marketplace, where her can-do personality helped her quickly move up the ranks as the Social media and Brand Manager. She then moved on to work and thrive as a Digital Marketer. Her well-rounded experience and adaptability make her a great addition to the team. Not to mention, she's got an oomple amount of puns.

What motivated you to choose Oomple?

“I really liked how Oomple emphasized employee culture and could really sense that creating a positive environment was important for everyone here. They highlighted creative freedom, team-work and honest dialogue, which is so valuable to me. I also felt like I aligned with their mission towards creating transparency in the hiring space so I felt excited to be a part of that.”

What’s something that people might not know about you?

“I’m always cold, which, I think, is what started my obsession with cool sweaters and coats. I love to shop at thrift stores for fun, old-school coats or patterned sweaters (Fresh Prince style) and cutting, sewing and customizing them to feel unique to me.”

We love snackin’ here at Oomple, what’s your favourite office snack? 

“Popcorners! I could snack on their sweet & salty kettle corn all day, every day. I’m pretty much keeping their business afloat.”

What quote do you live by?

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretsky (and Michael Scott from the office).

I know it seems a bit cheesy, but my coach told me this when I was 11 and it’s stuck with me ever since. If you’re too afraid to fail, then you will never go after what you really want. And even if you take the shot and fail, you’ve learned and grown from that experience.

You can check out Sophie’s profile on the Oomple platform and connect with her on Linkedin.


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