Before you even start on your job posting, it’s important to know exactly what you’ll need out of your Web Developer to accomplish.
Sure, every company would love a Full-Stack Developer who can code in all varieties of programming languages and understand every detail of your project, but if the scope of the role is more narrowly focused on the front- or back-end, you may be better served with someone who specializes.
Front-End Developers are responsible for designing the “face” of the digital product being developed, while Back-End Developers’ responsibilities include database interactions, user authentication, business logic, and server, network, and hosting configuration. Front-End Developers are usually expected to understand programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as well as frameworks such as React, Bootstrap, Backbone, and AngularJS, while Back-End Developers should know server-side languages like PHP, Ruby, and Python, as well as tools like MySQL, Oracle, and Git.
Oomple TIP: don’t over-commit and insist upon experience and knowledge of programming languages and other competencies that aren’t actually relevant to your position or company.
2. Understand the Developers Past Experience
When searching for the candidate through applications, resumes, Linkedin profiles is crucial to hiring process but is extremely important to ask questions and test so you can really get a sense of the Developer’s ability to do the work.
“#1 mistake businesses make when hiring a Web Developer is hiring someone who is knowledgeable at development but knows very little about user experience or conversion optimization.” Stringjoy Founder Scott Marquart told
In exploring a candidate’s past projects, don’t just ask what technologies, tools, and programming languages they used, but why they used them, so you can gather a sense of their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Ask about the significant challenges faced. And always ask what they would do differently.
3. Hire for Attitude and Train for Skill
Most interview processes should include take-home test or onsite tests, which will give you a sense of your candidate’s workflow, decision-making, and competency level. The interview, then, needs to focus on the intangible qualities that will determine whether your candidate will be a good fit.